
$79.99 $71.99


$79.99 $71.99

The Army Painter

Unleashing Creativity with Premium Painting Supplies

Unlock the full potential of your miniatures with our exclusive The Army Painter Collection at Metro Hobbies, Melbourne's leading source for top-tier hobby painting supplies. Our collection showcases a comprehensive assortment of The Army Painter's acclaimed paints, brushes, and hobby tools, meticulously designed to empower both novice and veteran hobbyists with unparalleled precision and ease. Elevate your painting projects with our vast selection of high-quality acrylic paints, renowned for their vibrant colors, excellent coverage, and ease of use. Enhance your hobby experience with our ergonomic brushes and precision tools, making detailed work more accessible than ever. Located in Melbourne, Australia, Metro Hobbies is your ultimate destination for all The Army Painter products, backed by professional advice and exceptional customer service.

Our range of The Army Painter hobby painting supplies includes:

  • High-Pigment Acrylic Paints

  • Durable, Detail-Oriented Brushes

  • Essential Hobby Tools & Accessories

  • Quickshade Washes & Primers